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Liquid tags
Spencer Davies avatar
Written by Spencer Davies
Updated over a week ago

This article contains various Liquid tags that you can use to customize your bundles. However, please be aware that we are unable to provide any support for adding Liquid tags or making any customizations to your app or themes.

We only recommend editing code and using Liquid tags if you are experienced in web development. Please seek assistance from a web development service if you require help using Liquid tags.

Shopexperts and StoreTasker are recommended partners of Kitenzo - both specializing in website development and offering free quotes for their services.


Use this tag to add a product variant to the bundle.

The current section instance has to be used as a parameter to the add_to_bundle_form tag.

Use input or select with name="variant" inside. The value must be a variant id.

Add a button with type="submit" to add a variant to bundle.

Quantity here controls the quantity selector - this will let the customer change how many items will be added to the bundle when "add" is clicked, however, this is optional and can be removed if preferred.


{% add_to_bundle_form bundle.current_section %}

<select name="variant">

{% for variant in product.available_variants %}

<option value="##{{ }}">

##{{ variant.title }}


{% endfor %}


<input type="number" name="quantity" value="1" min="1" />

<button type="submit">Add</button>

{% end_add_to_bundle_form %}


Use this tag to remove a product from a bundle.

The BundleItem instance should be removed as a parameter.

Inside of the tag, a button with type="submit"must be present.


{% remove_from_bundle_form item %}<br><button type="submit">Remove</button>

{% end_remove_from_bundle_form %}


You can implement section switching (or just show all the sections at once) by yourself.

You can also use this helper to simplify the process.


{% if bundle.has_next_section %}

{% section_switch_form %}

<input type="hidden" name="section" value="##{{ bundle.current_section.index | plus: 1 }}" />

<button type="submit">Next</button>

{% end_section_switch_form %}

{% endif %}

{% if bundle.has_prev_section %}

{% section_switch_form %}

<input type="hidden" name="section" value="##{{ bundle.current_section.index | plus: -1 }}" />

<button type="submit">Previous</button>

{% end_section_switch_form %}

{% endif %}


Use this tag to implement adding current bundle configuration as a product to the cart.


{% add_to_cart_form %}

<button type="submit"{% unless bundle.can_add_to_cart %} disabled="disabled"{% endunless %}>

{% if bundle.adding_to_cart %}


{% else %}

Add bundle to cart

{% endif %}


{% end_add_to_cart_form %}


Use this tag to implement changing variant of a product that is already added to a bundle.

The BundleItem instance should be passed as a parameter.


{% change_variant_in_bundle_form item %}

<select name="variant">

{% for variant in item.variant.product.variants %}

<option {% if == %}selected="selected"{% endif %} value="##{{ }}">##{{ variant.title }}</option>

{% endfor %}


{% end_change_variant_in_bundle_form %}


Use this snippet to add a note to a bundle.


{% if settings.note_enabled %}

<div class="note-field--container">

<label>##{{ settings.note_label }}{% if settings.note_required %} (required){% endif %}</label>

{% note_field %}##{{ settings.note_text }}{% end_note_field %}


{% if settings.note_prompt_visible %}

<div className="note-field--error-message">

<p>Note required before adding to cart.</p>


{% endif %}

{% endif %}


Use the above tag to remove a product(s) from a bundle.

The BundleItem or UniqueBundleItem instances should be used as a parameter.


Use this snippet:

{% add_to_cart_form %}      <button type="submit"{% unless bundle.can_add_to_cart %} disabled="disabled"{% endunless %}>           {% if bundle.adding_to_cart %}               Processing...           {% else %}               Add bundle to cart           {% endif %}    </button>{% end_add_to_cart_form %}


Use the above tag to add a quantity selector for each variant after it has been added to the bundle:

{% for variant in product.variants_in_bundle %}

{% change_quantity_form %}

##{{ variant.title }}

<input type="hidden" name="variant" value="##{{ }}" />

<input type="hidden" name="section" value="##{{ bundle.current_section.index }}" />

<button type="submit" name="remove">-</button>

##{{ variant.count }}

<button type="submit" name="add">+</button>

{% end_change_quantity_form %}

{% endfor %} ==

This tag can be used to edit the design on a specific bundle page. Insert the bundle's unique numerical ID at the end, then you can add customizations without affecting other pages.

Bundle IDs can be found in the bundle URL (e.g. 110)


{% if == 110 %}
  Template for bundle with ID 110
{% else %}
  Template for all other bundles
{% endif %}
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